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Girl Scout Troop 439
Here are some of my favorite Girl Scout Photos.

Cookie Rally
This picture was taken at our first Cookie Rally together at Ala Moana Park. We were only Daisies. From left to right: Sarah, Rhenalyn, Jo-Ann, Me, Alex, Florelei Mica, and Nicole.
This picture was taken at the Kalihi 52nd Annual Holiday Parade. From left to right: Me, Alex, Sarah, My Mom (our troop leader), Jo-Ann, Nicole, and Florelei Mica.
Friendship Circle
Here is our friendship circle and our daisy squeeze.
Brownie Fun
Here we are playing around horsy backing each other.
Washington Place
Here we are outside of the Governor's Home.
Washington Place
This picture was taken inside of the Governor's Home.
Brownie Troop 439
Here is our Girl Scout Troop. From left to right, top: Nicole, Jackie, Florelei Mica, Kimberly, Aimee, Laura (troop leader). From left to right, bottom: Alex, Mae Rose, Me, and Rhenalyn.